Q: Why “RGB” for the site name?
A: Because those are the initials for the quasi-eponymous acronym “ROY G. BIV”, which make up all the colors on the spectrum, which is an analogy to the Autism Spectrum.
Q: Is this site for people outside of the Autism Spectrum as well as for those within it?
A: It certainly is. If advice works for people who operate under restrictions most folks do not, then it only stands to reason that it also works for those who do not operate under such a handicap.
Q: Can you elaborate further regarding the above question?
A: Yes, at least in terms of age. It is best if you internalize the advice from this site when you are young and have the opportunity to get job training soon so you can start your career soon. As the saying goes, “the sooner, the better”. That said, there is such a thing as too young (i.e., pre-high school).
Q: Is it a good idea to attend graduate school?
A: It depends, but usually no. Read this article, to find out why.
Q: Do you offer jobs, or have a list of employers offering?
A: Sadly, no. Given time to grow, and we’ll revisit that question.
Q: Should I seek a whitecollar job, or something else?
A: That depends on a number of things, but it comes down to the intersection of your abilities/talents and the opportunity to put them to good use. This is too elaborate an issue to put into a short answer, but that’s what this site is for.